ABS200 week 3 discussion replies (DUE IN 8 HOURS) TODAY

Be sure to include in your reply specific commentary examining the uses and applications of applied behavioral science as discussed by your classmate. Ask questions that might help to further your understanding of the applications of applied behavioral science and take the discussion to a deeper level. Do you agree with your peer’s rationale as to how a forensic psychologist might help? Why, or why not? What other similarities and differences might you share about the actual work of forensic psychologists and the way it is presented in popular media such as television and the movies?#1Candace LyonsWednesdayJan 17 at 2:44pmManage Discussion EntryBriefly describe this person/character, including the medium (real life, television, movie, book, etc.) from which he or she comes, why you selected him or her, his or her background, and the background of the crimes he or she committed.Aileen Wuornos was a real-life female serial killer. As a child, her father was convicted of sexually abusing children and killed himself in prison. At one point he was diagnosed as schizophrenic. Wuornus was abandoned by her mother at four years old and forced to live with her abusive grandparents. After having a baby at 14 she was kicked out of her grandparent’s home and lived on the streets as a prostitute. Wuornos was convicted of six life sentences for killing men she accused of either raping her or attempting to rape her.Based on your reading this week, define, in your own words, forensic psychology as a specific example of applied behavioral science, and describe how forensic psychology could have been helpful in this case.“Forensic psychology is a field of study that applies scientific psychological knowledge to legal issues pertaining to criminal offenders and the criminal justice system. Identify trends in forensic psychology that would prove helpful” (McCarthy et al, 2016, section 6.1). I would define it as the application and education of reliable scientific psychology in the criminal justice system. Forensic psychologist can evaluate human behaviors and based on scientifically reliable assessments determine the dangerousness to a person’s self or society at large. The can also look for common diagnosis to determine if a person is fit to stand trial. In the case of Wuornus, a forensic psychologist could have examined her RAP sheet to determine if she was a threat to society. She was arrested for several crimes, including armed robbery and assault. In the biosocial age, criminologist now have access to genetic and brain imaging data. I think it would have been worth assessing her for schizophrenia. She stated that the men she killed either raped her or attempted to rape her until she was executed. Paranoia is common in schizophrenics and some believed she was convinced that she was raped or about to be raped. In her mind the murders were justified.Discuss why profiling is or is not a science.Profiling can never be an exact science because of complexities of the human mind. However, it can be reliable and used as useful insights into studied human behavior.Examine the similarities and differences between what you have read about forensic psychologists’ work and the way television and movies present their work.I am a Criminal Minds and Law and Order fanatic. Both shows use forensic psychology to either profile suspects or to determine criminal intent. The psychologist are almost always correct and in these shows, they show vulnerabilities based on their characters experiences. In real life forensic psychologist also contributes to think tanks and academia. I do believe they can be predisposed to their personal experiences and character.Identify ethical considerations forensic psychologists need to consider.Forensic Psychologist must rely on the behaviors and research to make their expert opinion. Allowing personal feelings to cloud expertise can have detrimental effects. When forensic psychologist testify in court, they must consider the ramifications regardless if they are testifying for the prosecutors or the defense.McCarthy, C. J., DeLisi, M., Getzfeld, A. R., McCarthy, C. J., Moss-King, D. A., Mossler, R., Privitera, G. J., Spence, C., Walker, J. D., Weinberg, R. S., & Youssef-Morgan, C. M. (2016). Introduction to applied behavioral science [Electronic version].Retrieved from https://content.ashford.edu/Reply#2Sharon RosinskiWednesdayJan 17 at 7:58pmManage Discussion EntryBriefly describe this person/character, including the medium (real life, television, movie, book, etc.) from which he or she comes, why you selected him or her, his or her background, and the background of the crimes he or she committed.John Wayne Gacy, he is an american serial killer and rapist that would dress as a clown from time to time when he would commit his crimes. John is know for the sexual assault, torture and murder of at least 33 teenage boys and young men between the years 1972-1978. John was married twice and had two kids. He was found guilty in 1980 on multiple death and life sentences. John died Mat 10, 1994 at Stateville correctional center of execution with lethal injection. I picked John because my boyfriend shared him with me and when reading more about him it was something I wanted to share.Based on your reading this week, define, in your own words, forensic psychology as a specific example of applied behavioral science, and describe how forensic psychology could have been helpful in this case.I think that if a forensic psychology was used they could have talk with John to see if there was more victims, or get a better understanding as to why he did what he did. There is also that look in to seeing was the jury in thinking and they are about to read that.Identify trends in forensic psychology that would prove helpful.Reading juries, knowing what color a client should wearDiscuss why profiling is or is not a science.I would go with a Science becasue it does have to do with algorithms and math tech.Examine the similarities and differences between what you have read about forensic psychologists’ work and the way television and movies present their work.The one that I picked was real bur in TV and in the movies they are always mean and almost to smart for their own good. Now I have not meet a forensic psychologists but I have meet other psycologist and that is not how they act.Reply

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