Part 1:Assignment: Cross-Cultural Research Article SubmissionIn Week 9, you will begin Module 4, the last Module for the course, where you will be assigned your final Module Assessment (due in Week 10). This assessment will require you to select a journal article related to cross-cultural research. During this week (Week 3) you will submit your article to your Instructor for final approval.To prepare:Review the Module 4 Module Assessment in Week 10 and familiarize yourself with the requirements of the Module Assessment.Search and select a journal article related to cross-cultural research that is published within the last 10 years from one of the following journals found in the Walden library:Journal of Cross-Cultural PsychologyCross-Cultural ResearchInternational Perspectives in PsychologyEthosAssignment:Download the journal article you selected related to cross-cultural research for final approval from your Instructor.By Day 7Parr 2:Module Assessment: Executive Summary of Talking PointsAs a working professional, understanding the field of psychology and how it applies to your work environment, is a necessary component to not only developing healthy relationships but also appreciating other cultures and their impact to society.For this first Module Assessment, you will examine an international, credible news story or current event related to children and/or adult dilemmas from an expert consultant’s perspective. You will be asked to develop a series of talking points for a panel discussion you have been invited to attend.To Prepare:Consider the following:Imagine you are asked to be on a panel as an expert cultural psychology consultant to discuss an international, credible news story or current event regarding children and/or adults that is being debated. You are asked to develop a series of talking points for your panel discussion.Identify an international, credible news story or current event regarding children and/or adults that is being debated (e.g., child labor, immigration, migration, refugees, international scores on standardized tests). Review and analyze the event/news story and apply the lens of culture and psychology.Review this Module’s Learning Resources and consider how these resources may inform your Module Assessment. Also, pay special attention to the resource Evaluating Resources: What about Stuff I find on the Internet? Knowing When to Use and Trust what you find on the Internet and consider how you might evaluate the news story/current event to be credible for your Module Assessment.Assignment (5–6 pages not including title page or reference page):As a consultant, you are a busy professional, so your summary will include 5–6 pages of your talking points. However, your talking points will need to be presented in paragraph form that follows proper APA format and style. Include the following:Introduction (1 page)A brief introduction of culture and components of cultureDefine culture and be able to describe some forms/aspects of various sample culturesExplain how your definition of culture applies to your news story or current eventNews Story/Current Event (1–2 page)Describe the international, credible news story or current event regarding children and/or adults that is being debated (e.g., child labor, immigration, migration, refugees, international scores on standardized tests)Lifespan Development (1 page)Explain the cultural implications on human development based on the event related to children and/or adultsSpecific recommendations (2 pages)Analyze the news story and explain what you have learned about culture and psychology as it relates to addressing the situationOffer 2–4 specific recommendations based on culture and psychology to respond to the issues raised in the news story or eventReferencesAt least 4 different scholarly resources including peer-reviewed articles and book chapters (Note: Two of your sources may be credible web resources)Support your Assignment by citing all resources in APA style, including those in the Learning Resources.By Day 7Submit your Module 1 Assessment by Day 7.Submission and Grading InformationTo submit your completed Module Assessment for review and grading, do the following:Please save your Module Assessment using the naming convention “MD1Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” as the name.Click the Module 1 Assessment Rubric to review the Grading Criteria for the Module Assessment.Click the Module 1 Assessment link.Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My Computer button. Find the document you saved as “MD1Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” and click Open.If applicable: From the Plagiarism Tools area, click the checkbox for I agree to submit my paper(s) to the Global Reference Database.Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.

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