Barriers to Collecting a Health History Journal

Barriers to Collecting a Health History-Journal # 2

What are the barriers you face to collecting a comprehensive health history so that you can give


Journal Grading Rubric

Unsatisfacotry Satisfactory Average Excellent Score Weight Final Score
1 2 3 4
Identifies importance of subject as it relates personally, clinically, and professionally. Identifies importance without reflection or examples. Minimal reflection without reference to personal, clinical, or profession. Reflection of subject to self, clinical, and professional importance with minimal integration of evidence based information. Thorough identification of the importance of the subject matter to the individual, clinical, and the profession. Supports this through personal experience and evidence-based information. Post consist of at least 300 words. 45% 0.00
Reflects on experiences and ties them to the course and unit outcomes appropriately. Provides short reflection, but no clear connection to outcomes. Provides short reflection, and there is a small connection to outcomes. Provides a well written reflection, and there is a clear connection to outcomes, but lacks clinical insight. Provides a well written reflection that is clearly connected to the outcomes and clinical insight is evident in the writing. 45% 0.00
Format/Style Major grammar errors. Several grammar errors. Few grammar errors No grammar, word usage or punctuation errors. Overall style is consistent with professional work. 10% 0.00
100% 0.00
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