Chapter 7
The five behavior that are particularly counterproductive to critical thinking are: fear of failure, focusing on perfection, refusing to ask for help, lack of confidence, sitting in low expectations.Fear of failure-> Sometime in life I feel like I’m not able to achieve my goals and because of that I get worried if happen what other people will say about me.Focusing on perfection-> Most of time I do get addicted that anything around me need to be or appear to be perfect. This focusing has become more as behavior in my life.Refusing to ask for help-> In many situations that I know that I can do one thing, I keep refusing to ask for help because it’s felt like weakness. I struggle hard till I find the solution but not asking for help.Lack of confidence-> I believe this one of major problems that humas deal today. In my case I felt the lack of confidence when I was going for work interview. I was not feeling secure because I have a strong accent and I was afraid that I was not good enough for the position.Sitting low expectations-> We all are dealing with times that we doubt many staffs. When I know that I cannot fix my nails by myself, but I keep trying again. So, think what the point is in trying, it isn’t going to work anyway.Five behaviors that are particularly counterproductive to creative thinking are: fear of rejection, problem environment, impatience, discouragement, fear of embarrassment.Fear of rejection-> We must pretend many things because we want to fit in same places, and we don’t like to have a fear of rejection. For example, not receiving an invitation to classmate’s party.Problem environment->In environment that it gets noise can get our creative juices flowing unlike silence and doesn’t put us off like high levels of noise.Impatience-> Sometimes when you are impatience you hate to wait, and you don’t let the other person finish the conversation and all this makes you counterproductive to creative thinking.Discouragement-> We’re taught to think of most forms of creativity as unnecessary. We may even discourage it because it “gets in the way” of productivity. In this way you cannot have a positive feedback and discouragement.Fear of embarrassment-> This is one of the behaviors that I do really feel sometimes which is the fear of embarrassment. For example, I must prepare myself when I go somewhere so they do not catch me suddenly and feel embarrassed for the answer that I must give.Need a simple comment for both of theseCritical ThinkingDogmatism: In the first year of university, I and my two other friends formed our group for the project. Each one of us had to propose a concept of an individual house projecting, after that we should be on the same mind to choose only one concept. We all worked hard but I was too sure that I had the best proposal and it should be presented as a final version. In the end, after discussing which proposal contained all the spaces needed for the individual house, another project was the best solution. I felt disappointed and I couldn’t accept it even though it was really good and the professor immediately approved it as a concept to go on with the final project. My mind was still on my idea and I didn’t want to participate on finishing the project that was chosen.Impulsiveness: Five years ago, my American visa expired and I decided to apply for renovation. So I had to renew my data. One of the most important issues of form is the actual employed status. At that time I had just left my job in another state and for vacation I want to visit my sister here in America before starting a new job. My friend advised me to find firstly a job than going on with the application. Without caring that I was 99% sure to be refused, I applied as unemployed. After one week my visa was refused by the Embassy. I risked a lot because it is not good to have refuses in the visa application. Since then I have less opportunity to get another chance and this only because I act with impulsiveness.Over dependence on authority and personal experience: When I worked as an urban planner, I had to participate in different conferences to represent the institution. My boss was a very strict person and in every situation critical and knowing this facts for me was really difficult to get involved in discussion with other member, because I was thinking all of the time if I was talking in the right way as my boss would want. For everything, at first I should ask him, in order not to give more confidential information. I didn’t feel free to share my own ideas or opinions.Lack of Confidence: I always have had lack of confidence. Before every test, I think I can’t do it, it is too difficult, I will fail, even thought I have studied every single page. In the end I got maximal grades. If I have to do a new step on my life, the first thing I think is I can’t because I am not too good as others are.Unwillingness to make an effort: I found a new job this year. After I was accepted I was too energetic, felt good to do my best on my job, but when I was presented with my office colleagues my desire to work cut off. They were unfriendly, talked behind shoulders, and these things made me unwillingness to concentrate on my works. I always stayed alone and I worked just for inertia.Creative ThinkingImpatience: This summer I bought a new scooter. My boyfriend told me to wait for him until he would finish his work. I couldn’t wait to try it. As soon as, the package arrived I opened, got out all of parts than I tried to assemble them. I felt very proud and creative that I made it. But when I got on the scooter to test it, something went wrong. I hadn’t assembled it in the right way. My boyfriend was angry because of my impatience and then together we had to go to fix it.Uncomfortable with having fun in public : For 25th birthday my friend organized a party at a pub. She invited all her group of friends and we were all together. Most of them I didn’t know and even they were friendly, energetic I felt a little bit uncomfortable. They sang loudly, dance careless pop music, which in fact is not my type of having fun. Usually I am a quite person and celebrations like this aren’t part of my creativity.Being afraid of Failure: During university, I and my best friend were too creative with our drawings and fashion illustration. We share the passion for it and my friend proposed me to open a page where we would post our illustration and by working more and more we could invest in our business. The idea was fantastic I liked and I didn’t like at the same time. We created some contact with other blogger girls but I stepped to go on with it. I was afraid that I would pass a lot of time taking care of this work and in a moment we would fail and for me it would be very disappointing. I gave up, didn’t work anymore and this job was interrupted only because I was afraid of failure.Laziness: Every day I am facing with my laziness. Starting Health Management class has made me losing my temptation to do other things. Classes are going to be harder and I don’t have motivation anymore. I feel lazy to do homework and if I sit to finish them, I find difficult to take care of my housework for the rest of the day. That’s why I postpone everything and in my day nothing can be creative.Self criticism: Well, I am really self criticism. I had to do a presentation projects. Even thought I had treated all requests, I again thought that something was missing. I was stuck in this project returning for a lot of time to the same request only because I was thought that I could do better. In the end I lost my time being so self critic.
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