Ecosystem Structure, Function, and Change

Select an ecosystem in your area (such as forest, lake).

Write a 525- to 700-word paper explaining the following:

1) Describe the structure of your ecosystem including important abiotic features and dominant plant and animal species.
2) Explain some functions/processes of your ecosystem including one nutrient cycle and one food chain.
3) Give two examples of species interactions (predation, competition, mutualism, etc.) that occur in your ecosystem.
4) Identify an invasive species in your ecosystem. Explain its effects on the ecosystem and efforts to control or eradicate it.

Include two outside references.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Additionally, in 150-300 words each, answer the following questions, making sure to include in text citations and APA formatted references.

1.) Your neighbor faithfully applies fertilizer to his lawn to ensure beautiful, healthy green grass. Explain how your neighbor’s fertilizing habit affects at least one nutrient cycle.

2.) Your friend commutes to work every day by driving a standard gasoline-powered car. Explain how your friend’s commute affects one or more nutrient cycles.

3.) Urban areas typically have lots of pavement and compacted soils. Explain how these impermeable surfaces affect at least one aspect of the hydrologic cycle

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