Environmental and Cultural Aspects of Global Health

Global, Environmental, and Cultural Aspects of Health

Assignment Overview

Global health is about worldwide improvement of health, reduction of disparities, and protection against global threats that disregard national borders. Regardless of where people live, their cultures and environments influence their health behaviors. In this assignment, you will explore concepts of Global, Environmental, and Cultural Aspects of Health as they relate to an outbreak among your specific target immigrant population.

Case Assignment

  • Construct a table in which you use the PEN-3 Model as your framework to identify cultural influences on health that you must consider in addressing prevention and management of the outbreak among your chosen population.
  • Remember to include cultural factors that increase the occurrences of vaccine-preventable disease outbreaks among your population as well as cultural factors that influence vaccination adherence.
  • See the table example provided.
  • Note that in the column on the left you must add what the P, E, and N represent within each domain and clearly address each one.

PEN-3 Domains




Cultural Identity


Cultural Empowerment

Assignment Expectations

Length: 3 pages, excluding title page and references. You can single-space the table.

Assessment and Grading: Your paper will be assessed based on the performance assessment grading rubric that is linked within the course.

Background readings:

Read at least two of the following articles to learn more about the PEN-3 model as a framework for planning programs that consider cultural and environmental influences on health behaviors.

Iwelunmor, J., Idris, O., Adelakun, A., & Airhihenbuwa, C. O. (2010). Child malaria treatment decisions by mothers of children less than five years of age attending an outpatient clinic in south-west Nigeria: An application of the PEN-3 cultural model. Malaria Journal,9(1), 354-354. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/1475-2875-9-354

Iwelunmor, J., Newsome, V., & Airhihenbuwa, C. O. (2014). Framing the impact of culture on health: A systematic review of the PEN-3 cultural model and its application in public health research and interventions. Ethnicity & Health, 19(1), 20-46. doi:10.1080/13557858.2013.857768

Naghibi, S. A., Shojaizadeh, D., Montazeri, A., & Yazdani Cherati, J. (2015). Sociocultural factors associated with breast self-examination among Iranian women. Acta Medica Iranica, 53(1), 62-8.

Shahandeh, K., Basseri, H. R., & Sharifzadeh, Y. (2014). An application of cultural model to assess and compare malaria prevention among Afghani migrant and Baluchi resident in the endemic area, southeastern Iran. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 16(1), 102-110. doi:10.1007/s10903-013-9850-4

Yick, A. G., & Oomen-Early, J. (2009). Using the PEN-3 model to plan culturally competent domestic violence intervention and prevention services in Chinese-American and immigrant communities. Health Education, 109(2), 125-139. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/09654280910936585

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