Explain benefits of the technology that support quality outcomes, health and medicine homework help

Research management’s role in the technology selected in the Week Three Technology Trends Proposal Part ll assignment and the benefits of it that support the quality outcomes.

Write a 350- to 700-word summary that addresses the following:

  • Explain the manager’s role.
  • Explain what impact the technology trend has on other “users.”
  • Explain benefits of the selected technology that support quality outcomes.

Begin combining the Technology Trends Proposal assignment materials from Weeks Two through Four.

Cite 2 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references to support your assignment.

Format your summary according to APA guidelines.

My technology choice was electronic health records. Please complete summary on this topic.

Here is a copy of my paper from last week assignment on electronic health records that you can use as well.

Electronic health records

Privacy risks, security safeguards, and strategies

In an age of constant technological evolutions and upheavals, the healthcare industry has not been left behind. To be specific, the health records of patients have been transformed from the paper system to a digital model that envisions electronic records. This move has seen an increased ease of reference to records and less massive storage implications. However, the transformation has not lacked its set of challenges. This paper summarizes the privacy risks encountered in the keeping of electronic records, security safeguards that may be employed to remedy the same and strategies to evaluate the effectiveness of the electronic health records system. This move is also buttressed by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), which seeks to streamline the same and obligates all practitioners to transition to the digital platform (Hiller et al, 2011).

Privacy risks encountered

Akin to any other digitally enabled system, there are privacy concerns posed by the ever-present cloud of internet hackers. These are online criminals who seek to access information that should otherwise be confidential. Privacy of electronic health records may also be compromised during the transfer of the physical files to the digital forms. The records are exposed to access by the staff who may also use the information they get for ulterior purposes.

Security safeguards

In light of the above, healthcare institutions must, therefore, strive to put in place security safeguards to secure confidential information. Some of these safeguards may include enhancing administrative controls by updating policies and procedures; conducting thorough background checks on all employees who are privy to the information; and training of employees on the importance and implications of handling information. Further, the institutions must monitor access to the online portal and limit access to only the necessary extent. The agency must also conduct regular system audits to locate possible weaknesses and act on them. Data encryption has also been proven to be useful in concealing confidential information, which then can only be accessed by authorized individuals (Appari & Johnson, 2010). Finally, application of data and user controls may also come in handy

Strategies for evaluating effectiveness of the system

Procuring an electronic health records system is null if the same cannot guarantee effectiveness. To assess efficiency of the system, the following strategies should be employed. The system should possess a streamlined data entry mode that eases the user’s input of data and allows access by the patients. An efficient system must also guarantee notifications of orders and results. This system lets users receive updated information on the progress and condition of patients. Such a system must also contain useful templates that promote easy reporting of use.

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