Public Relations PP-10, health and medicine homework help

Complete one of the following options:

Option A: Responding to the Public

Research a public relations scenario you recently heard about in the news. This could be anything that required a hospital or health care facility or company to make a statement about their recent practices. Some examples include medical errors, such as surgery on a wrong limb or organ; pharmaceutical issues, such as the Tylenol® crisis in 1982; or facility violence, such as shootings or baby snatching.

Create a 10- to 12-slide presentation that addresses the following:

  • Provide a brief overview of the scenario and answer the following questions:
    • How did the hospital or facility respond?
    • Why was it necessary for the facility to respond?
    • How did they promote the hospital’s view?
    • What was the outcome of the response?
    • Would you have done anything differently if you provided the facility’s public relations response?

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