Repetitive Prayer and Quieting Reflex , health and medicine homework help
PROJECT —Demonstration of Stress Reduction Technique
Each student will choose a partner for this project. The two person team will have the opportunity to select 1 stress reduction technique to demonstrate to the class which I chose(Repetitive Prayer and Quieting Reflex) . Each team will designate the choice on a sign- up sheet. On the day of the presentation, each team will give a brief overview of how and why the technique works and will demonstrate the technique for the class. The presenters will involve all of the class in practicing the technique. Presentations should take 10 minutes. Be sure to allow a maximum of 2 minutes for explaining the technique and at least 8 minutes for practicing the technique. Each team will submit one 3-page summary of the technique, discussing how and why it works. A minimum of two or more sources will help in fully understand the technique. Include a reference page and document sources in the body of the paper using APA style. Incorrect documentation = – 5 points. Bring props for demonstration.
Due Oct 5. Everyone will submit summary and presentations begin. (Daily 5 point penalty for not submitting summary on Oct 5)
So, I need a 3-page paper summary of the technique, discussing how and why it works. A minimum of two or more sources will help in fully understand the technique.
Also, I need 5 slides PowerPoint Discussing briefly the technique.
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