“The Healthcare Environment and Financial Statements”

Health care financial managers stand between the company’s real assets and the financial markets where the firm raises the firm’s cash.The responsible financial manager will not fixate on short-term financial gain for the shareholder, but rather concentrate on the long-terminterests of the company. The maximizing shareholder value approach means that decisions about strategy and tactics are based primarilyon financial considerations.With the mission of maximizing shareholder value in mind, how could the health care financial manager help to motivate a large groupof employees to exceptional performance? Explain in detail.Should the financial manager have any influence on care mapping within the organization? Why, or why not, and give rationale.After posting your response, respond to two other peers’ posts. Do you agree or disagree with their posts and why?AH531 Healthcare Financial Management Required MaterialsRequired TextZelman, W., McCue, M., Millikan, A. & Glick, N. (2014). Financial management of health care organizations: an introduction to fundamental tools, concepts, and applications (4th ed.). Hoboken: NJ: Wiley & Sons.Physical text ISBN: 9781118466568Digital text ISBN: 9781118466599

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