we need you to work on chapter 3 (methodology) and 4 (result and discussion) from study cases for 2 reports (one for municipal wastewater(11 study cases) and one for single household wastewater(12 study cases))

we have several study cases for both reports and all of them should be included

we have already done chapter 1 and 2 so you’ll start with chapter 3 (methodology) then 4 (result and discussion)

next start with the methodology where you give each title of the study cases ill send and write about the PROCESS of treatment, design, sizes, capacity, number of people, wetland type, area and everything related to the methodology. don’t explain the results here because that should be in the next chapter which is the result and discussion.

in chapter 4 (result and discussion) here show the results of each study case under its own title, talk about the treatment efficiency, influent and effluent quality and whatever results you find from the study cases and show them with figures, tables etc.. and DISCUSS THEM under each title of all the study cases (make sure you focus on the concept and main ideas).

After that add a summary part where you compare between any 2 or 3 different cases (whatever you chose) that are related and discuss about their results and how there related.

and in chapter 5 the ( conclusion) conclude it in a good way and talk about the best design and whatever is suitable.

we will attach you the study cases of each report, and we have highlighted the important things to help you with what to include, not everything highlighted should be included in details, just focus on whatever you think is important and you might swell add from the unlighted information if it suits you.

the word count can be around 8000 for each reports chapter 3 and 4 but it can also be a bit less or more, just make sure you include whatever is important and focus on each study cases concept.

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