1.  Submit a copy of your Exercise Prescription/Plan that you will be implementing with your client.  (this is simply what you did with them, exercises, reps, heart rate monitoring, etc.)2.  Reflect on your plan whether you implemented it already or you are in the planning stages for your appointment and respond to thefollowing questions:These are evaluative questions you should always ask yourself:Is the training program that you are designing or have designed appropriate, safe,  and effective for the client, given the client’s physical abilities and  primary goals? Explain briefly.Could you defend your program from a legal standpoint? Who would  be held liable if your client was injured during training because of  either lifting too much weight or exceeding a certain heart rate? Did you or will you monitor heart rate?Is your program justifiable from a business standpoint? Do you believe your client would refer their friends,  family, or colleagues to you based on the guidance that you provide in  your program design?  Imagine that YOU are the paying client. Would you feel that your  money was well spent if you were handed the training program/dietary  recommendations?  Explain briefly and be kind to yourself!  This is an opportunity to share why your programming was “good.”

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