​Write a formal paper (1,000-1,200 words) , health and medicine homework help

Write a formal paper (1,000-1,200 words) in which you distinguish the role of allied health in the delivery of patient care, define the scope of practice for allied health professionals, and discuss the importance of patient-centered care.

Select two allied health providers on which to base your assignment. Which will be phlebotomist and respiratory technician. Perform an academic search in which you research the role and scope of practice for each of the two allied health providers you selected. A minimum of three scholarly peer reviewed articles are required.

In a formal paper that is formatted using the APA style guide, write an academic paper in which you address these six main concepts:

  1. Describe the role of each allied health provider in the delivery of care.
  2. Describe the education and skills needed to provide patient care.
  3. Define the concept of Scope of Practice as it pertains to the work of allied health.
  4. Define the concept of patient-centered care.
  5. Discuss the importance of patient-centered care.
  6. Describe behaviors/steps taken by allied health providers that result in patient-centered care.
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