I want you to look at a subgenre or something specific within fantasy films as the topic of Fantasy subgenre. Genre paper: For your last project update, you searched for scholarly articles on your
I want you to look at a subgenre or something specific within fantasy films as the topic of Fantasy subgenre.
Genre paper: For your last project update, you searched for scholarly articles on your topic. For this update, read one article and write a summary. First, write out the citation for the source; when doing this, follow a style guide and tell me which one. If you are having trouble finding sources, then get with me before this is due so I can help you. Write at least 2-3 paragraphs. In one paragraph, make sure at minimum to cover the main purpose of the article, what evidence the author(s) put together, and their main findings. In another paragraph make sure to include your assessment of the article, such as what could have been done better. If you quote from the article in your summary, make sure to put those words in quotation marks. Please also name a couple of the films you would like to analyze for your project.
-Content Analysis: Please work on your coding sheet and submit a complete draft of your sheet. Remember that you can’t code your films until you get the sheet approved though