In the last unit you read about representations of race and ethnicity in Hollywood films. This unit you are reading about how the South has been represented in film.
In the last unit you read about representations of race and ethnicity in Hollywood films. This unit you are reading about how the South has been represented in film.
I’d like you to put all of this information to work in analyzing the film Black Snake Moan or any contemporary film of your choice that came out after 2000 and prominently represents the South.Constructing a vision of life in the South, Black Snake Moan gives us a chance to explore representations of the South as a fictional space, Southern femininity, sexuality, race/ethnicity, mental disorders, and more. Use this discussion board to take concepts from the readings to analyze race, gender, and more in this film. For example, does this film challenge the virgin-whore complex and traditional gender roles, or reinforce them. Does this film turn the stereotype of the “Black buck” on its head, or reinforce images of African American men as hypersexual? Does this movie help us empathize with people who have mental disorders or encourage stereotypes? …… As you do this, please be very careful not to state your opinions as fact, and to back up your factual claims with citations. Try to reference at least three things from this module or previous class modules